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- 10 poke 53265,11
- 20 poke 53281,0
- 30 poke 53280,11
- 40 if a=0 then a=1:load"0:lptr rtn",8,1
- 50 poke 56,160:clr
- 60 print"[147]"chr$(142);
- 70 dim a$(95),b$(95)
- 80 c$(1)="[151]":c$(2)="[152]":c$(3)="[155]":c$(4)=""
- 100 print" [169] [223][146] [156] [223][146] [159][169] [223][146] [223][146] [149] [146] [158] [146] [146] [154] [146] [129] [146] [146]";
- 105 print" "
- 110 print" [146] [146] [156] [146] [146] [159] [146] [146] [146] [146] [149] [146] [158] [223][146] [169] [146] [154] [146] [129] [146]";
- 115 print" [146] [146]"
- 120 print" [146] [156] [146][169] [159] [146] [146][161] [149] [146] [158] [146][223] [146][169] [146] [154] [146] [129] [146] [146]";
- 125 print" [146]"
- 130 print" [146] [146] [156] [146] [159] [146] [146] [146] [146] [149] [146] [158] [146] [146] [154] [146] [129] [146] ";
- 135 print" [146] [146]"
- 140 print" [146] [146] [156] [146] [159] [146] [146] [146] [146] [149] [146] [158] [146] [146] [154] [146] [129] [146] ";
- 145 print" [146] [146]"
- 200 print" [169] [223][146] "
- 210 print" [146][169][223] [146] [146]"
- 220 print" [146] [146] [146]"
- 230 print" [223][169] [146] [146]"
- 240 print" [223] [146][169] "
- 300 print" [146] [146] [158] [146] [146] [159][169] [170][146] [146] [153] [146] [150] [223][146] [156] [146] "
- 310 print" [223][146] [169] [146] [158][223] [146][169] [159] [146] [182][161] [153] [146] [150] [146] [146] [156][223] [146][169]"
- 320 print" [146][223] [146][169] [146] [158][182][161] [159][223] [223][146] [182][161] [153] [146] [150] [146][161] [156][182][161]"
- 330 print" [146] [146] [158][182][161] [159] [146] [182][161] [153] [146] [150] [146] [146] [156][182][161]"
- 340 print" [146] [146] [158][182][161] [159][165] [146][169] [182][161] [153] [146] [150] [146] [146] [156][182][161]"
- 345 poke 53265,27
- 400 t$=" published by softdisk publishing, inc."
- 410 gosub 2000
- 420 print
- 425 gosub 3000
- 430 t$=" press spacebar to continue"
- 440 gosub 2000
- 450 poke 198,0
- 600 get a$:if a$<>" " then 600
- 610 print"[147][156] [217]our uncle, the family mystic, has"
- 620 print" passed on to the next world."
- 630 gosub 1000
- 640 print"[153] [217]ou were his favorite nephew and in"
- 650 print" your mailbox you found a package"
- 660 printtab(15)"from him."
- 670 gosub 1000
- 680 print" [158][212]he parcel contains your uncle's magic"
- 690 print" [156][208]urple[158] robe and hat, and the key"
- 700 print" to his apartment."
- 710 gosub 1000
- 720 print" [154][212]here was no note included, but as you"
- 730 print" don the clothes, you are transported"
- 740 printtab(18)"to"
- 745 gosub 1000
- 750 printtab(6)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 760 printtab(6)" [212]he [193]partment of [205]ystery! "
- 770 printtab(6)"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 800 gosub 3000
- 810 t$=" [208]ress [211]pacebar to [195]ontinue"
- 820 gosub 2000
- 825 poke 198,0
- 830 print:print
- 840 t$=" [145][164][164][164][164][157][157][157][157] [198]8 [146] for [213]p[212]ime"
- 850 gosub 2000
- 900 get a$:if a$<>" " and a$<>"[140]" then 900
- 910 if a$="[140]" then sys (8*4096)+4
- 912 gosub 1500
- 915 sys 65418:poke808,234
- 920 print"[147][144] "chr$(34)"mystery.exe"chr$(34)",8"
- 940 poke 631,19:poke 632,131
- 950 poke 198,2
- 960 printtab(10)"[158][207]ne moment please..."
- 962 printtab(5)"while the [193]partment of [205]ystery"
- 965 printtab(11)"loads into memory.[144]"
- 970 end
- 1000 for k=1 to 1800:next
- 1010 return
- 1500 print"[147] [212]he [193]partment of [205]ystery [158]is played
- 1510 [153]" using a rather extensive vocabulary of"
- 1520 [153]" nouns and verbs."
- 1530 [153]" (NULL)hile the word list may be called"
- 1540 [153]" up and displayed on your screen at any
- 1550 print" time during the game, the ability to"
- 1560 print" send this list to your printer will
- 1570 [153]" only be provided at this time.
- 1580 printtab(7)"[215]ould you like a printout"
- 1590 printtab(8)"of the game vocabulary?":printtab(17)"([217]/[206])"
- 1600 get a$:if a$<>"y" and a$<>"n" then 1600
- 1610 if a$="n" then 1700
- 1620 print"[147]":gosub 5000
- 1700 print"[147] [211]pacebar for [212]he [193]partment of [205]ystery"
- 1710 t$=" [145][164][164][164][164][157][157][157][157] [198]8 [146] for [213]p[212]ime":gosub 2000
- 1720 get a$:if a$<>" " and a$<>"[140]" then 1720
- 1730 if a$="[140]" then sys 8*4096+4
- 1740 return
- 2000 gosub 1000
- 2010 for i=1 to 4
- 2020 printc$(i)t$
- 2030 for j=1 to 100:next
- 2040 print"[145][145]":next
- 2050 return
- 3000 restore:poke 54296,0:for c=54272 to 54296:poke c,0:next
- 3010 x=0:poke 54277,x:poke 54284,x:poke 54291,x:x=240:poke 54278,x:poke 54285,x:poke 54292,x
- 3020 poke 54296,15:for l=0 to 40:x=17:poke 54276,x:poke 54283,x:poke 54290,x
- 3030 read a,b,c,d,e,f,g:poke 54273,a:poke 54272,b:poke 54280,c:poke 54279,d
- 3035 poke 54287,e
- 3040 poke 54286,f:for t=1 to (g*2):next
- 3042 get a$:if a$="_" then 3050
- 3045 next
- 3050 x=0:poke 54296,x:poke 54273,x:poke 54280,x:poke 54287,x:poke 54272,x
- 3055 poke 54279,x:poke 54286,x
- 3060 return
- 4000 data 225,143,112,199,56,99,25,200,243,100,121,50,60,50
- 4010 data 225,143,112,199,56,99,150,0,0,0,0,0,0,75
- 4020 data 200,243,100,121,50,60,25,179,6,89,131,44,193,25
- 4030 data 168,250,84,125,42,62,25,150,139,75,69,37,162,25
- 4040 data 142,24,71,12,35,134,100,150,139,75,69,37,162,200,0,0,0,0,0,0,100
- 4050 data 112,199,56,99,28,49,25,100,121,50,60,26,156,50
- 4060 data 112,199,56,99,28,49,150,0,0,0,0,0,0,25
- 4070 data 84,125,42,62,21,31,50,89,131,44,193,22,96,50
- 4080 data 71,12,35,134,17,195,50
- 4090 data 75,69,37,162,18,209,150,0,0,0,0,0,0,250
- 4100 data 56,99,28,49,14,24,25,50,60,25,30,12,143,50
- 4110 data 56,99,28,49,14,24,150,0,0,0,0,0,0,75
- 4120 data 50,60,25,30,12,143,25,44,193,22,96,11,48,25
- 4130 data 42,62,21,31,10,143,25,37,162,18,209,9,104,25
- 4140 data 35,134,17,195,8,225,100,37,162,18,209,9,104,200,0,0,0,0,0,0,100
- 4150 data 0,0,18,209,9,104,100,17,195,18,209,9,104,100
- 4160 data 21,31,18,209,9,104,100,25,30,18,209,9,104,100
- 4170 data 29,223,25,30,9,104,100,29,223,35,134,9,104,100
- 4180 data 29,223,35,134,42,62,600
- 4190 data 25,30,28,49,37,162,200,0,0,21,31,0,0,200
- 4200 data 9,104,18,209,23,181,1000
- 5000 poke 780,4:poke 782,0
- 5010 sys 828
- 5020 if peek(783) and 1 then close 4:goto 5200
- 5060 print#4:print#4,""spc(35)"word list"
- 5070 print#4:print#4:print#4,""spc(37)"verbs":print#4
- 5080 for i=1 to 29:read a$
- 5105 print#4,a$""spc(16-len(a$));
- 5107 next
- 5110 print#4:print#4:print#4,""spc(37)"nouns":print#4
- 5120 for i=1 to 80:read a$
- 5142 print#4,a$""spc(16-len(a$));
- 5144 next
- 5150 print#4:print#4
- 5160 close 4:return
- 5200 print"[147]"tab(13)"[195]heck [208]rinter!"
- 5210 printtab(12)"[212]ry again? ([217]/[206])"
- 5220 get a$
- 5230 if a$="y" then 5000
- 5240 if a$<>"n" then 5220
- 5250 print"[147]":return
- 6000 data change,climb,close,cook,cut
- 6010 data drink,drop,eat,flush,get
- 6020 data go,help,inventory,light,listen
- 6030 data lock,look,move,open,plant
- 6040 data read,roll,say,take,turn
- 6050 data uncle,unlock,wash,watch
- 6100 data aspirin,bath,bathroom,bed,bedroom
- 6110 data blanket,book,book of poetry,book of spells,books
- 6120 data bread,cabinet,cabinets,candle,chair
- 6130 data chimney,clock,closet,clothing,cookbook
- 6140 data crystal orb,cushion,dictionary,door,drawer
- 6150 data drawers,dust,fire escape,fireplace,floor
- 6160 data flower pot,fortune cookie,furniture,hall,ice cream
- 6170 data incense,inventory,key,kitchen,living room
- 6180 data lock,lucky dice,matches,mattress,milk
- 6190 data mirror,moth,mothball,mushroom,note
- 6200 data oven,pamphlet,picture,pillow,pot
- 6210 data potato chips,pyramid,rabbit's foot,razor,refrigerator
- 6220 data roof,rope,rug,seeds,shower
- 6230 data sign,sink,sleep,soap,stove
- 6240 data suit,t.v.,t.v. dinner,table,television
- 6250 data toilet,toothpaste,tub,will,window